Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Josh the Big Brother

Josh has been pretty unsure of what to think of Avonlea. I don't think he really understands that she is here to stay. 

When we asked him about her he kept saying that he wanted to eat her. A little confused, we pried a little deeper and discovered that he thought if we ate her she would go back into Mommy's belly. 


Since this conversation, we think that he is begining to like her a little more.

He now wants to come close to her...


...and also give her loves!

Posted via email from Tame Family

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Avonlea's Name

I've been getting a few questions about Avonlea's name so I thought I would answer them for everyone here on our blog. 

FAQ's about her name:

1. How do you pronounce that?

  • Avonlea (a-ven-lee) - You can listen to  the pronunciation below. 

   (24 KB)
Listen on posterous


 2. Where does that come from I've never heard that before?

  • It comes from the story Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Montgomery. It is a fictional locations located on Prince Edward Island.You can read more here

 3. Why the name Pearl?

  • Pearl was my Great Grandmothers name and we thought it was very fitting for her Avonlea.

Posted via email from Tame Family

Avonlea Pearl Tame

Yesterday, our little girl, Avonlea Pearl Tame, was born.

She was 7lbs. 4oz. and 20 inches long. 

Here is a little bit of what happened... Story to come later:


Josh patiently waiting for baby sister to come.

Lea making sure her social network is updated!


And then she came!!!


Lea getting a good look at her little girl.


Already giving Dad the stink eye at 5 minutes old.


Getting Checked out by the doctors...


"I don't like where they stuck that!"


Dad holding his little girl for the first time.


Getting settled and cozy in our arms.





More to come soon...

Posted via email from Tame Family

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Just ate this amazing Hawaiian haystack my wife made!

Maybe she will post the recipe for all you peeps. So Yummy!

Posted via email from Tame Family

Sunday, February 6, 2011